Constructive education.

The REMix project addresses the specific need to engage university students in reflection on the important societal issues of migration and inclusion and it is line with the EU policy objective to establish a realistic perspective to immigration based on solidarity, and within the EU framework which emphasizes the need to address common challenges in educational strategies among European countries. 

Actions to promote the education and engagement of young people on issues of migration is crucial to develop the socio-cultural knowledge of university students and better prepare them to engage in a world where the understanding of diversity is indispensable. Moreover, recognizing the importance of university education in apprehending diversity is a useful approach to promote equality, inclusion and social justice and support civic engagement in public institutions.

Project coordinator: Markus Meckl ( 

Contract no. ERASMUS+2018-1-IS01-KA3-038813

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Training Objectives

  • describe various theoretical approaches in migration and human mobility studies;
  • critically analyse contemporary debates on migration and mobility;
  • identify and utilise a variety of academic and non-academic sources;
  • develop research projects in the field of migration research.

Practical Info

18 weeks, about 300-360 working hours, 12 credits

Week 1 – 3: History and Philosophy of Migration – UNAK, Iceland

Week 4-6: Sociology and migration – ZRS Koper, Slovenia

Week 7 – 9: Migration Pedagogy (Education and Training) UNIFI, Italy

Settimana 10-12:Psychology, University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Settimana 13-15: Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Madeira, Portugal

Settimana 16-18: Migration and cultural rights – ARMES, Italy.


The project website


18 weeks, 360 hours


On-line mode

