Third transnational partnership meeting of the Cleo project: Patras, Greece

The partnership held its third transnational meeting at the University of Patras on
May 18-21, 2023.

All the partners met at the Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood
Education and the first day was dedicated to the partners’ presentation of their contribution to the manual for the online course (PR2) and the planning and coordination of the CLEO Summer University including the review of the draft program and practicalities for the selected students. The dissemination activities were prepared by Armes Progetti.

During the following days, the partners agreed on the planned online course and were introduced by the representatives of the University of Akureyri to Canva for the preparation of the materials for the online course. During the meeting in Patras, the partners had the possibility to explore the most significant places related to the National Uprising against the Ottoman Empire and the memorial site and museum of Kalavryta.